I 've heard about some general investment statements / advice from people often in the last few years, especially when the price of a stock is falling in the phases. Some general statements spoken by investors. “Before you invest, you should be aware of your risk appetite." “The market is currently at risk, can go down to 10%, invest later. " “I am risk adverse investor." When it comes to investing in the stock market, everyone talks about the risk. But nobody knows the real meaning of the risk, we can feel the earth under our feet. Dear investors, the risk is not a number which you can measure, such as a 40% decline in the market or 20% of your favourite stock is not risk. What does risk really mean? According to Warren Buffett, the famous investor, there is a permanent loss exposure on the stock you hold or the investment you have made is risk. Permanent losses on your investment capital occur when your investment business stock has been closed fo...