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Common Reason Why People Loose Their Money in Stock Market

Today, I am going to discuss with you about some of the common investment incidents that have not only happened to me, but they are happening with every common investor. Market presents the scenario of immense possibilities of investment in front of us. I have heard from the mouth of the people, saying that today the Sensex has jumped 300 points. When I hear people say so, I feel that their portfolio is performing very well. But does that really happen? No, it does not happen. Each investor's portfolio does not perform according to the market. Then what is the reason that even after having such a good environment, the investors' portfolio does not benefit according to their expectations. We will try to know these common reasons.

Investments based on tips trading calls.

This is the biggest and major mistake that is made by the investors in the market, in which the opinion given by the broker, listening to their colleagues, valuing friends and start investing in the market. Apart from this, people blindly follow the recommendations given by the broker and they don’t use their own discretion, which later cause them big losses.

Now you can argue with me about what is wrong with getting the investment advice from the broker and the colleagues. Your colleague and broker is more experienced than you and, maybe you have earn a good profit on your investment on their advice. If you think so, then you are making some mistake. No one else care about your money more than you do. You can easily ruled out the broker's recommendations because they make profits on your business. They do not care that you win or lose. Unless you are buying or selling shares, they are getting commission fees in the form of brokerage. Therefore, they will try to give you recommendations so that you can trade more and more frequently. The more you trade, the more brokerage fee commission they receive.

Understanding certain things here is essential for beginners, no one is going to tell them. First, all your friends will always claim their benefits and returns. Second, none of your investor friend will tell you about their loss and bad investment. This is sometimes a matter of pride. Overall, you will think that your friends and colleagues are doing well, but they are not. You can think of his suggestion that he has done a lot of research about that company and he is always right in the investment. However, in the end, you will lose your money.

Try to make money quickly

This is the second biggest mistake when people invest in the stock market. People think of the stock market as a means to earn money fast, and through this they dream to become rich. With small investment, they want to become Warren Buffett  Rich and Powerful. However, why do people not understand that, Warren Buffet has earned the maximum amount of his wealth after age 50. We should understand this fact that how much time he has given his investment to mature, approximately 5 decades he give to his investment. There is a need for time and patience to succeed in the stock market.

Business news channel

Nowadays there is a flood of business news channels, people see these news channels with great interest. On which stock market experts express their opinion, people invest in the opinion of the prospectus shown on these news channels. Such investment, like putting a gun on the shoulders of another, and start shooting. People start observing the opinions of business news experts indiscriminately. And they start investing heavily, which they have to raise later in the form of a loss

Lack of patience in people

Patience in the stock market is the key to success. One of the most important things to share market is that you only have to invest in good stocks, but it is also important to give time to increase your investment. This is the only way you can make money.

Often, most people lose money in the stock market because they lack patience. However, after investing in good shares, people can not earn that much good return. Do you know why? Because they lack patience. People do not even want to give their investments for 2-3 years, and before that they withdraw their investment from that stock. They want results quickly. However, this is not the only problem with investors. In some circumstances, when their invested shares fall by 20 to 30%, they early lose patience and book their losses. If they give 4-5 years of the same stock, then that good stock can earn them a lot of profits. Here, due to the lack of patience, they lose the opportunity to choose a decent stock.

Apart from the reasons mentioned above, there are many more reasons for which people lose money in the stock market. But as much as I am experiencing, I can say that it is better to invest on your own research based knowledge instead of someone else advice.

I hope this post will be beneficial to you, if you have any suggestions or reviews regarding this post, then you can ask me to comment box below, I would be happy to answer you.


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