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How Important Stillness in an investment

This assertion is famous investor Charlie Munger .”You don’t make money when you buy and you don’t make money when you sell.  You make money when you wait.”  

Understanding the importance of how powerful it is, how important it is to a common investor. Usually, buying a stock at a lower price and selling at a higher price is generally popular in the stock market, but the key here is that you are doing nothing much time at all. People call it investment, whereas there is a misconception. How much time is worth investing in it, I am trying to explain this by using this example.

I am a farmer by profession, and cultivating like it is in my blood. Farming has taught me so much, that the benefits of which I get in normal life also. How? I explain. The purpose of every farmer is to take more production, for which proper seed selection, balanced fertilization is included. The more advanced and disease-free seed will be selected, the better production a farmer can get. But, what is the most important factor among all these is time. Because, enough time is required to complete its crop cycle.

The same rule applies to the investment sector, for an investor his made investment is it’s crop. Because, it is imperative to understand an investor before investing in that business. It is equally important to give enough time to mature his investment. In addition to this, the investor should adopt a long-term way to provide stability to his investment. Long term investment is the key to success in the stock market, but today people do not adopt this path. They get stuck in the trap of making profitable tips and calls. Who promise to give profits of 35% to investors in a month. Famous investor Warren Buffett received the maximum profit of his investment after crossing the 50's.

From this example, we learn that the importance of stability in investment is so much. It is a common fact that every business needs time to increase its business. Because, when an investor buys a company's shares, he actually does not buy the stock, he buy company's business. In constant investment, time works like compound interest. In addition, if you remain in the stock for a long time, you also get the benefit of dividends from the company. The longer your investment will be, the greater the chance of your success.

I hope that you have understood the importance of stability in investment. If you have any suggestions or questions regarding investment stability, then you must tell me. Your suggestions will be happy for me.


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